A long time ago, at the edge of a galaxy far, far away...
The Rebel Alliance destroys a defense base in the Kolandra system, forcing the Empire to temporarily retreat from the KLINA SECTOR.
On a small moon, orbiting the gas giant Ventor is the ISO-M7 super-secret Imperial prison, where the most DANGEROUS SCUM in the galaxy has been imprisoned and left to be forgotten.
One of the Hutt Cartel’s emerging thugs, the ruthless HOODED VEGGAR, takes the advantage of the chaos and grabs the power in the Klina Sector. With the prison, and its dreadful inhabitants however, he has different plans...
Blossh Oglu (Krisztián)
Hork (Thirlen)
Djo Pretistan (Mihály)
Vizago Junior (Barna)
Csuklyás Veggar - A Klina szektor új tulajdonosa
Drood - Rodiai fixer, a karakterek megbízója (átb*szója) hasonmásokat is alkalmazhat
Khoth-Aman - Veggar csuklyás majordomója
Ismeretlen tip. harci droid - Veggar mellett álló ismeretlen tipusú (régies) harci droidok
Ismeretlen gungan - Veggar emelvényét cipelő 4 darab megcsonkított wampák kezelője
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